I want what I want, when I want it!!

I used to say that to my husband (mostly joking) and he would reply “You’ll get what I’ve got, when I’ve got it” (mostly not joking). It was a way for me to express impatience, and for him to say he understood. It’s funny that with all the technology and innovations to make daily activities go more quickly, we still seem to want it faster.
We stand at the microwave tapping our fingers impatiently, as if 30 seconds is too long to wait. Drive through banking, drive through dining, drive through car washing, and even drive through liquor stores are all there to save us time. We have become accustomed to getting what we want when we want it.
I wonder if we realize the price we pay for this instant gratification. I’m sure our bank didn’t eat the cost of building that drive through or hiring another teller. What nutritional value have we sacrificed for fast food, both take out and microwave? Where’s the pride in a job well done if a machine has cleaned your car? Drive through liquor stores?? I won’t even start on that!
It would seem logical that if we have saved so much time in our domestic lives, that there would be ample time to devote to work. If we watch the news we hear that our politicians are still too busy. Having to push legislation through so quickly that it can’t even be read or voted on must be terribly stressful. I can’t imagine a CEO or business owner signing paperwork without even reading it! What is being sacrificed in this instance for the convenience of saving time? Maybe here is the place to respond “You’ll get what I’ve got, when I’ve got it!”

About spaide

On calling a spaide a spaide, I simply placed my initials in front of my goal. I want to aide people who may be living in fear over the condition of America. I started my website with that goal in mind and although I am self taught on computer usage, I endeavor to make it continually better. I think that if people are prepared for anything, that fear is dissipated. This is the same concept as banking a savings account, or IRA, it is preparing for the unknown. I submit that a dollar that is not backed by gold is simply a piece of paper, hence preparing may require more tangible items.
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